Club aerial




*If you don't have a Proposer or Seconder please leave blank and we will arrange on your behalf. Only full members of not less than one years standing may may propose or be a seconder.
I hereby submit my Nomination fee if applicable and Annual subscription. The information provided is true and correct, and if accepted, I agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Cockburn Power Boats Club Inc. including VIP requirement. I confirm I do not have any criminal convictions involving violence or offences against children. I also confirm I have not had my membership of any Club or organisation terminated or resigned as a result of, or, to avoid any form of disciplinary issue or action. Please contact the Club if you are unable to confirm the previous statements.

Payment Details

Membership subscriptions and payments are securely processed using Stripe.

Social Membership Fees

Price: $160.00
Price: $0.00
Price: $80.00